Protection UL offers death benefit protection, long term guarantees, flexibility, and growth potential.
Flexible premium adjustable life insurance policy:
The Zurich Protection UL provides valuable death benefit protection with important long-term death benefit guarantees. Riders/benefits available on the base policy include a Lapse Protection Rider that has a premium based – not shadow account based – guaranteed death benefit rider that lasts up to the insured’s age 85-95, depending upon issue age.
Additional riders include an indemnity based Accelerated Death Benefit Rider for Chronic Illness, Accelerated Death Benefit Rider for Terminal Illness, Maturity Extension Rider, and Overloan Protection Rider.
- Unplanned premiums may be paid at any time subject to our acceptance of premiums.
- Premium payment modes include: annual, semi-annual, quarterly, and monthly. Pre-Authorized Check (PAC) capabilities are available on all modes. It is possible that coverage will expire when either no premiums are paid following the initial premium or subsequent premiums are insufficient to continue coverage.
Guaranteed Minimum Interest Rate
The base policy provides for a basic no-lapse death benefit guarantee for a duration that varies based on issue age if cumulative premium requirement is met:
Age 18 – 64 = 15 years
Age 65 – 70 = to attained age 80
Age 71 – 80 = 10 years
Age 81-85 = to attained age 90
The required premium varies by specified amount, issue age, gender, premium class, ratings, and death benefit option.
Lapse Protection Rider / Death Benefit Guarantee
The base policy provides an additional no-lapse death benefit guarantee for a duration that varies based on issue age if cumulative premium requirement is met:
Age 18 – 55 = to attained age 85
Age 56 – 64 = 30 years
Age 65 – 85 = to attained age 95
The required premium varies by specified amount, issue age, gender, premium class, ratings, and death benefit option. On each month the required premium test is not met, the cumulative premium requirement will be increased by the monthly equivalent of an annual rate of 4% on the shortage.