Effective October 1st, 2019, PruLife Return of Premium Term (ROP Term) is no longer available for purchase.

PBR/2017 CSO Compliance
Across the industry, insurers have been updating products to be compliant with principle-based reserving and 2017 Commissions Standard Ordinary Mortality Table. After careful consideration, ROP Term will not be updated at this time. Any applications submitted through September 30, 2019, will be processed through the end of 2019. All policies must be placed by December 31, 2019. No exceptions will be granted.

Competitively Priced, A Trusted Brand.

Prudential’s available term products are attractive and offer:

  • Protection for the people clients love.
  • Flexibility to convert to a Prudential permanent policy at any time during the conversion period—without a medical exam.
  • Age last birthday pricing for potential premium savings.
  • An accelerated death benefit rider at no extra charge. The Living Needs BenefitSM (LNB) is one of the most robust accelerated death benefit riders offered in the industry. It’s a critical component of Prudential’s term policies because it pays a portion of the death benefit early, while the insured is still alive, but terminally ill. In addition, LNB covers permanent confinement to a nursing home and life-saving organ transplant procedures. LNB can be a valuable resource as the money can be used in any way the client chooses. In approved states, up to 100% of the death benefit can be accelerated.
  • PruFast Track, Prudential’s accelerated underwriting for eligible policies, which enhances the process through speed and efficiency while maintaining consistent quality, commitment to our service levels, timely turnaround, and best-in-class oversight from our experienced underwriting team.
  • eCapabilities to help you seamlessly pivot as clients’ needs change.
  • Prudential’s strength and stability.