Beginning August 12, 2019, Protective Classic Choice Term will be even more competitive with an average 1% premium decrease. And no matter which way you quote Classic Choice Term – in monthly or annual pay scenarios – Protective lands on top with our market-leading rates:

  • Top three – or better- 89% of the time in annual pay scenarios.
  • Top three – or better- 93% of the time in monthly pay scenarios.

Now, you can offer Protective’s dependable term coverage – with competitive monthly and annual rates – at an even lower price. And your clients can receive their coverage even faster, all thanks to our Protective Life Underwriting Solution (PLUS).

Transition Rules:

  • For ticket business and direct writers (not including NY): applications must be signed and received on or before Monday, September 9 to receive current rates.
  • For paper business: applications must be signed and received on or before Monday, August 26 to receive current rates.
  • Any application in underwriting on August 12 may choose between the old and new version of the product.