Lower Prices. Greater income potential.

We’ve stepped up our game with a broad set of enhancements to our entire Indexed UL portfolio! Starting today, the guaranteed multiplier on the Capped S&P 500 Indexed Account has been increased for Accumulation IUL ’17, Protection IUL ’15 and Protection SIUL ’16.

Now, our products consistently rank among the very vest in terms of pricing and cash value accumulation, including:

  • Highly competitive premiums across the board with Protection IUL and Protection SIUL
  • Even more cash value and retirement income potential with Accumulation IUL
  • Greater earning potential with the new Plus Capped Indexed Account and the new Capped Hang Seng Indexed Account now available on the entire Indexed UL portfolio

And with the John Hancock Vitality Program, your clients can get the protection they need both today and tomorrow.