Effective May 2, 2016, Protective Life is proud to introduce positive changes to certain underwriting limits which could help you more easily place your larger cases with us. During a time in the life insurance industry when good news seems hard to find, these increases also demonstrate the stability of Protective Life as a company, as well as our deep commitment to our distribution partners and customers.

We are pleased to announce changes to the following limits:

  • Retention limit increases from $2 million to $5 million for most ages and certain products (see tables below)
  • The first-year premium limit increases from $1 million to $2 million for all products
  • Auto bind limit increases from $40 million to $50 million for most ages and certain products; this limit may decrease for ratings
  • Jumbo limit increases from $50 million to $65 million for most ages and certain products

These new limits will apply to applications signed May 2 or later. Please see the information below for details about the retention limits.

Maximum Retention Limit – Single-Life Policies
Issue Ages Standard through Table 4 or $0.00-$10.00 Flat Extra Tables 5 – 8 or $10.01-$20.00 Flat Extra
New Previous New Previous
75 or less $5M $2M $5M $2M
76 – 80 $2.5M $1M $1M $500K
81 – 85 $750K $500K $0 $0


Maximum Retention Limit – Survivor UL Policies (all ratings)

Issue Ages



75 or less



76 – 85 $2.5M



The new maximum retention, auto bind and jumbo limit guidelines apply to the following fully underwritten products:

  • Protective Custom Choice UL 10-30
  • Protective Advantage Choice UL
  • Protective Indexed Choice UL
  • Protective Investors Choice VUL
  • Protective Survivor UL

The following fully underwritten products are excluded from this maximum retention, auto bind and jumbo limit update and will continue to use the previous limits:

  • Protective Non-Par Whole Life
  • Protective Premiere III
  • Protective Preserver II/Plus
  • Protective ProClassic UL/ProClassic UL NY
  • Protective Survivorship Term