2 million reasons to talk to clients about the Chronic Illness Rider

We’ve increased the maximum lifetime accelerated death benefit amount for all eligible policies that include the Chronic Illness Rider and are placed in force on June 19, 2017, or later. The max amount is now the lesser of 75% of the Initial Eligible Amount or $2 million – up from $1 million previously.

What does this mean for you?

You can position the rider as even more beneficial for clients, since it allows them to access more funds early in the event of a chronic illness.

What Products are eligible for the Chronic Illness Rider?

  • Indexed UL Accumulation
  • Indexed UL Flex
  • UL Accumulation II
  • UL Flex II
  • UL Provider Edge



Securities offered through The Leaders Group, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC 26 W. Dry Creek Circle, Suite 800, Littleton, CO 80120, 303-797-9080.

GBS Insurance and Financial Services, Inc. is not affiliated with The Leaders Group, Inc. You may check the background of investment professionals on FINRA Broker Check

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