In another step to improve customer experience, we have made our Term conversion product guidelines more generous. Previously, only Term policies converted within the first 5 years were able to get access to our full suite of permanent products. As of March 22, 2016, our Term conversion guidelines have been improved as follows for any inforce term policies and newly issued policies:

Term Plan Term Policy Year Perm Products Available
 10 yr Term Yrs 1-8 New!

Full Perm Life Portfolio

(see currently available products below)

 Yrs 9-10

 AG Extend IUL or

American Elite WL

 15-30 yr Term Yrs 1-10 New!

 Full Perm Life Portfolio

(see currently available products below)

 Yrs 11+

 AG Extend IUL or

American Elite WL



Transition Rules

  • New conversion applications received on or after 3/22/16 with effective dates on or after 3/22/16 have the new conversion product options.
  • Pending conversion applications received prior to 3/22/16 but having effective dates on or after 3/222/16 have the option for the new conversion product options, but updated forms must be received no later than 4/22/16.
  • Reissue requests to obtain a different conversion product will not be honored.


Currently Available Permanent Life Portfolio

Secure Lifetime GUL 3 (not approved in NY)

Elite UL (available all states)

Elite Index II (not approved in VT)

Elite Global Plus II (not approved in VT)

Value+ IUL (not approved in VT)

AG Extend IUL (not approved in VT)

American Elite Whole Life (available in all states)