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From its inception, Premier Brokerage has been dedicated to giving back. Philanthropy and community service are a high priority for our Chief Optimist, Steven J. Katz. His dedication to charitable work has affected the lives of many, and inspired those around him to do the same.

Steven is involved in numerous charities and boards throughout the Philadelphia region. He served on the Board of Directors of B’nai B’rith Perlman Camp (BBPC), the NAILBA Foundation fundraising committee, and the Jewish Federation’s Men’s Round Table. He is on the Executive Board of The Jewish Relief Agency (JRA), and on the Executive Committee for OROT, a special education initiative in Jewish day schools. In addition, Steven is a trustee of the Katz Family Charitable Trust, which supports many charities, with a particular focus on formal and informal education of children everywhere. Furthermore, he and his son Josh serve as auctioneers for over 50 non-profit charitable organizations such as The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), Ronald McDonald House, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), and Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

Steven has purposefully oriented his life around volunteer service, and has brought that philosophy to our work at Premier Brokerage Services. Every year, our staff has paid time off to do volunteer work in our community. In recent years, we have worked side by side cooking meals for isolated shut-ins, stocked and sorted donations of clothing and supplies to low income and homeless children, and painted and cleaned homeless shelters through organizations like Aid for Friends, Cradles to Crayons, Stenton Family Manor, and the Chamounix Mansion. In the past year, Premier has contributed to AIPAC, American College, The American Heart Association, Chabad, Foundation of Jewish Day Schools, Jewish Heritage Program, Kiwanis Foundation of Jenkintown, Military Family National Association, Rotary Club of Jenkintown, Treehouse Books, Variety – The Children’s Charity, and Wish upon a Hero. In addition, we have actively participated in the annual Salvation Army Adopt a Family Program and our own dress-down-days program to raise money for our staff’s favorite charities. We always find our team participation in days of service to be extremely gratifying.

Beyond the generous work that the Premier team has done together, many of our staff members are heavily involved in charitable organizations in their communities. Our employees chair, co-chair, consult, and sit on the board of a number of foundations including Pecos Valley Medical Center, Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel, Michener Art Museum, Kelly Anne Dolan Memorial Fund, and Stephanie B. Furrer Foundation. We are also dedicated to volunteering and donating locally to organizations such as Purple Heart, The National Greyhound Adoption Program, Whosever Gospel Mission, The Drueding Center, The National Great Pyrenees Rescue, Finding Shelter, and The Montgomery County SPCA.

Through all of our service and dedication, we have learned that Premier is home to a strong and capable team of individuals who share a heartfelt desire to help others in our community.


katz button_cradles button_mitzvah button_stenton
Am Heart Association
Treehouse Variety Wish Upon A Hero PVMC