Due to the continued low interest rate environment American National is increasing premium rates for its industry leading Signature Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance product, effective 7/1/2020. Changes do not include New York.

Face Amount less than $250,000

  • 10% increase in premiums for issue ages below 45
  • 5% increase in premiums for all other issue ages

Face Amount $250,000 and higher

  • 10% increase in premiums for issue ages below 45
  • 3% increase in premiums for issue age 65
  • 5% increase in premiums for all other issue ages

While this persistent low interest rate environment has forced most carriers to increase premium rates or even remove their guaranteed UL products, American National is still committed to providing one of the most competitive GUL products with respect to low premium rates and flexible cash out options.

Signature Guaranteed Universal Life Highlights

  • Maintained competitive positioning greater than $250,000
  • Flexible guaranteed death benefit options from age 95 to 121
  • Guaranteed Cash Out rider available at 15, 20 and 25th anniversaries
  • Accelerated underwriting up to $1,000,000

Which pricing will my client receive?

Application Date The Client will Receive
Before 7/1/2020 = Pre-7/1/2020 GUL Pricing
On or After 7/1/2020 = Post-7/1/2020 GUL Pricing