Beginning January 1, 2020, any new life products issued must use the 2017 Commissioners Standard Ordinary (CSO) Table.

In an effort to streamline our product offerings and launch new, innovative life insurance products, there will be some changes to our product lineup through the end of the year (2019). Below is a summary of current products and corresponding replacements and retirements.

Products that are already 2017 CSO/PBR (Principle-Based Reserving) compliant are excluded from this list.


Indexed Universal Life (IUL)

Current product Replacement product (2017 CSO/PBR compliant)
Orion IUL Eclipse Accumulator IUL (coming December 14, 2019)*
Eclipse Protector IUL Eclipse Protector II IUL (coming December 14, 2019)*
Eclipse Survivor and
Eclipse Survivor Pro IUL
Eclipse Survivor and  Eclipse Survivor Pro IUL (updated with 2017 CSO – tentative Q1/Q2 2020)*
California only
Orion IUL Orion IUL (updated with 2017 CSO)
Please note: Eclipse Accumulator IUL is pending state approval.
Watch for future communications
Eclipse Protector, Eclipse Survivor and Eclipse Survivor Pro IUL *2017 CSO products pending state approval.
Watch for future communications on product availability.
New York only
Eclipse IUL Eclipse IUL (updated with 2017 CSO)
Eclipse Protector, Eclipse Survivor and Eclipse Survivor Pro IUL *Pending state approval.
Watch for future communications on product availability.

Current product Replacement product (2017 CSO/PBR compliant)
Accumulator UL Product will be discontinued.
CareShield® UL Product will be discontinued.
Secure Accumulator and Secure Protector Whole Life Products will be discontinued.
(New whole life product launching in 2020)
Current agreement Replacement agreement (2017 CSO/PBR compliant)
Long-Term Care Agreement (CA only) Agreement will be unavailable
December 14 ,2019, on all available products. It will be re-filed at a later date.
Accelerated Death Benefit Agreement,
Accidental Death Benefit Agreement,
Children’s Term Agreement,
Corporate Enhanced Values Agreement,
Performance Death Benefit Guarantee Agreement, Waiver of Charges Agreement
Agreements will be unavailable
December 14, 2019, on all available products

Important dates

December 13, 2019

  • All applications (paper and eApp) for all 2001 CSO products must be received by 3:00 p.m. CST

December 14, 2019

  • Replacement 2017 CSO products available*

December 31, 2019

  • 2001 CSO policies must be underwritten, approved and paid no later than 3:00 p.m. CST
  • If a product is retiring or will not be available in January 2020, it is important to get business requirements in by the given dates as no exceptions can be made
  • Pending applications that do NOT have premium applied by December 31 will have the option to be moved to a 2017 CSO product
    • Please note: Whole life and survivorship IUL will not have replacement products available until later in 2020
  • 1035 cases need an underwriting decision and a 1035 Exchange Agreement form signed and received by 3:00 p.m. CST. Funds must be received by 3:00 p.m. CST, March 31, 2020

January 1, 2020

  • Only products based on the 2017 CSO tables will be available for new sales