Our latest reprice of Protective Advantage Choice UL and Protective® Lifetime Assurance UL

At Protective, we have a long history of responsible product design and delivering on our promises. With this commitment in mind, we are informing you that effective March 13, 2023, Protective Advantage Choice UL and Protective Lifetime Assurance UL will both be repriced with a slight rate decrease.

The rate decreases help us accommodate the current interest rate environment while continuing to offer this competitive solution. While prices are changing, our commitment to the guaranteed universal life market and meeting clients’ needs remains the same.

Transition Rules

Clients will receive current (prior to March 13, 2023) product versions, if they:

  1. Submit a signed application (includes completing the TeleLife® interview) and illustration, if necessary.
  2. Ensure the policy has an effective date of March 12, 2023, or earlier.

Read Announcement