Let us help you place more of your cases at Nationwide®. With our Placement Improvement Program, your clients who would be rated a Table C or better based on traditional company underwriting procedures may be able to receive a Standard rating on variable universal life products. We automatically consider it for all cases that qualify.

Qualifications for the Placement Improvement Program

  • Insureds ages 15 to 70
  • Policies with specified amounts totaling between $100,000 and $5 million
  • Policy increases where the original policy was issued at a Table C level or better
  • Includes Nationwide VUL Accumulator and VUL Protector

Restrictions for the Placement Improvement Program

  • Any offer obtained from reinsurance on a facultative basis
  • Any case in which the client already has in-force coverage with Nationwide that was obtained through facultative reinsurance
  • Any risk rated with a flat extra (flat extras cannot be converted to table ratings to qualify)
  • Risks involving ratable avocations and aviation
  • Foreign risks that are ratable
  • Reissued cases, conversions, internal exchanges or any situations in which full underwriting is not required
  • Re-evaluation for rating reductions
  • Any cases utilizing PIP will not be eligible for preferred underwriting
  • Cannot be used in conjunction with wellness credits
  • May not be used to improve Long-Term Care Rider risk


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