As a leading long-term care insurance carrier, Mutual of Omaha has a responsibility to our policyholders and distribution partners to ensure our pricing strategy and product offerings are effective. We have been monitoring industry trends, internal claims data and the economic environment over the past several years. As a result, we are refreshing our rates and implementing benefit option changes to the MutualCare® Solutions Portfolio effective September 1, 2020 (*These changes do not impact the LTC Rider or LTC17W.) 

The details are outlined below:

Impacted States
Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming

Rate Adjustments
Premium adjustments may vary by age, sex and benefit selection. You may view the new rates by referring to the quoting software beginning September 1, 2020.

Benefit Changes

Cash Benefit:

  • MutualCare® Custom: 25% of home health care benefit up to maximum of $2,000 per month
  • MutualCare® Secure: 25% of home health care benefit up to maximum of $2,000 per month

Partner Premium Allowances:

  • Both Issued: 15%
  • One Issued: 5%

Transition Rules
New paper and e-Applications for MutualCare Solutions will be required beginning September 1, 2020. Please discontinue use of all old applications. The following transition rules will apply:

Paper Applications

  •  Applications with a signed date of September 1, 2020, and later will get the new rates and benefits and will require our new application.
  • Applications signed prior to September 1, 2020 and received in the home office on or before September 11, 2020, will receive the current rates and product benefits.
  • Old applications received after September 11, 2020, will not be accepted regardless of application sign date. Applications will be closed, and a new application will be required to apply for coverage. No exceptions will be made.


  • If you have a pending e-Application started prior to September 1, 2020, your application must be signed prior to September 1, 2020 to receive the old rates and benefits. You can access your pending application, complete and submit like normal.
  • Pending e-Application must be received in the Home Office no later than September 11, 2020, or it will not be accepted.