Effective February 16, 2021, Lincoln will introduce the next generation in long-term care planning and expand its MoneyGuard portfolio with the launch of Lincoln MoneyGuard Market Advantage, pending state and firm approvals. Lincoln MoneyGuard Market Advantage is a variable universal life insurance policy with a long-term care rider.

This innovative product design provides growth potential for both long-term care and death benefits through investment option performance and offers downside protection with annual lock-ins and a guaranteed minimum level of long-term care benefits.1 With access to over 40 active and passive investment options from leading portfolio managers, as well as customizable and model allocations, your clients can feel more confident about staying invested in the markets and preparing for long-term care expenses. If such clients were to get low on funds, they can earn on platforms such as 온라인 카지노.

Lincoln MoneyGuard Market Advantage will be a new product offering in the MoneyGuard portfolio and will not replace Lincoln MoneyGuard® III, Lincoln MoneyGuard® II, or Lincoln MoneyGuard® II NY.

Product Highlights
Long-Term Care Benefits Rider (LTCBR)

  • Provides long-term care benefits based on the greatest of these three values at the time of claim:
    • LTC Base Value – Set at time of purchase and guarantees a 3-year minimum level of long-term care benefits regardless of investment performance.
    • LTC Market Value – Driven by the performance of investments, the benefit will boost the value of returns and will be 4x the accumulation value.
    • LTC Protected Value – Provides an additional layer of protection from substantial market losses by locking in 2.5x the accumulation value as of each policy anniversary.

Value Protection Rider (VPR)

  • Provides a No-Lapse Guarantee and the LTC Protected Value contingent upon premium and investment guidelines

Broad Range of Investment Options

  • 31 actively managed portfolios
  • 27 Morningstar categories
  • 6 target-date funds

Death Benefit and Cash Surrender Value

  • The policy’s Death Benefit can grow to a value greater than the Specified Amount based on policy performance and Accumulation Value growth
    • There is also a Residual Death Benefit feature as part of the policy design
  • Cash Surrender Value on the policy will be the policy’s Accumulation Value less debt less any applicable Surrender Charges

Tax Advantages

  • Product design which allows clients to maximize benefit values through multiple tax advantages including income tax-deferred growth while invested, income tax-free benefits if care is needed, and a death benefit that is generally received income tax-free.

Flexible Care Cash

  • While LTC Base Value remains, this feature provides access to cash benefit for care needs.
  • Allows for 50% of the maximum daily benefit to be used per occurrence (up to the IRS per diem limit).
  • Cash benefit payable without providing receipts.
  • Care under this feature may be provided by family members, including the spouse.

Additional Features

  • Issue Ages 30-70
  • Underwriting Classes of Standard or Couples Discount
  • Premium Structure: Single Premium or Flexible Premium. Flexible Premium design allows for premiums to be paid at any time up to age 121, within premium limits.
  • Zero Day Elimination Period
  • Allocation Requirements
    • Maintaining the allocation requirements noted below is required to keep the Value Protection Rider (VPR) on the Policy
    • Three tiers of funding options available. If any money is allocated to Tier 3 then at least 20% of money must be allocated to Tier 1.
    • Tier 1 – Fixed Account, Bond funds, Money Market fund
    • Tier 2 – Blended (equity/bond) funds, Asset allocation funds, Target-date funds
    • Tier 3 – Equity funds, ETFs
    • Under the allocation requirements, quarterly automatic rebalancing is required to be maintained on the policy and that the quarterly rebalancing allocations are within the allocation requirements noted above.
  • Dollar Cost Averaging: Available at issue with a Fixed Account Interest rate to address market volatility concerns
  • Access to Lincoln Concierge Care Coordination for all policy holders


Subject to state and firm approvals, applications for Lincoln MoneyGuard Market AdvantageSM will be accepted beginning on February 16, 2021. Please see below for important information associated with Lincoln MoneyGuard Market AdvantageSM availability.

  • Effective February 16, 2021, Lincoln will be updating our current MoneyGuard Application to provide a single, unified application to be used across Lincoln MoneyGuard® III and the new Lincoln MoneyGuard Market Advantage.
  • When applying for Lincoln MoneyGuard Market AdvantageSM there are two new forms that need to be completed for this variable product in addition to the standard application package: Lincoln MoneyGuard Market AdvantageSM Allocation Form (MG12176) and Customer Identity Verification Form (33009).
  • A checklist (MG12227) will be available to assist Financial Professionals with the required forms.
  • On February 16, 2021, Pending and Issued applications for Lincoln MoneyGuard® III (2020) may request a product switch to the new Lincoln MoneyGuard Market Advantage
    • We will require a new Part 1 Application, illustration, Outline of Coverage, VUL Allocation Form, Customer Identity Verification Form, and any state/firm specific requirements.
    • The client will also need to be provided with the following if switching to Lincoln MoneyGuard Market AdvantageSM; Prospectus and Outline of Coverage.
    • It is important to ensure proper licensing and appointment prior to submitting new/revised application paperwork.
    • Remember that once an application is submitted, the Personal History Interview (PHI) must be completed within 60 days of submission. In addition, the case must be placed within 90 days of the PHI.