OPTerm 25 gives our potential customers one more reason to choose LGA for their protection needs. Among our 13 core competitors, we are one of five carriers to offer a 25-year term product. Coming soon in New York!
100 million Americans are without life insurance protection. 25-year term may be another opportunity to close the coverage gap. Click here for case studies.
- Issue Age – Client’s age excludes him from qualifying for a 30-year policy, but 20 years is too short a duration.
- Education – New parents want their child to go to college. A 25-year duration would make certain education costs would be covered.
- Mortgage – Homeowners purchase a 25-year term life insurance policy to cover mortgage payoff and as the mortgage balance decreases, the face amount can cover other family expenses.
- Flexibility and Affordability – 40-year-old who wants coverage until retirement age. 25-year term product would fit needs and offer savings when compared to a 30-year duration term solution.
- Retirement – 60-year-old who needs coverage during years after retirement. Provides coverage amount greater than a typical final expense product to help cover funeral costs, estate taxes, etc.
OPTerm 25 is now available for new sales.
Issue Ages
- 20 – 60 all non tobacco classes
- 20 – 55 all tobacco classes
William Penn – Not yet available
Pending New Business
To change the plan to OPTerm 25 on pending business in underwriting, please send an email to your New Business Team requesting the plan be changed to OPTerm 25. We will amend for the plan change when the policy is issued.
Electronic platforms are being updated. If ticket is for OPTerm 25, please indicate in the remarks section.
Issued Policies
- Policies recently issued can be considered for reissue to OPTerm 25, provided the free look period has not expired.
- Reissue requests to change the plan to OPTerm 25 can be made by sending an email to: Banner_Reissue@LGAmerica.com
- All reissue requests must be made in writing. Telephone requests will not be accepted.
- Illustration Manager Version 2.2 is now available for download from the Partner Dashboard, partner.LGAmerica.com.
- Illustration Manager quoting engines, including desktop software, the MobileSuite app and online version have been updated to include OPTerm 25.
- Third party vendors such as AgentQuote, Compulife, iPipeline and VitalQuote (Ebix) have been provided with OPTerm 25 rates.
- Commissions for OPTerm 25 will be the same as OPTerm 20 and OPTerm 30.
- Commission schedules, found on the licensing section of our website, have been updated to include OPTerm 25.
- If you need copies, contact your marketing coordinator.