We’ve expanded our competitive reach with the new John Hancock Term 2016. Our rates are top-tier in more places than ever – with the most significant improvements for 20 Year Term.
What’s New?
Top-tier Competitiveness in Our Core Market
- Males, top 3 risk classes, ages 35-65, for Face Amounts of $500,000 or above
Significantly Improved 20 Year Term Rates
- Some reductions over 30%
Minimum Face Amount now $100,000
Competitively Priced Term 10, Term 15, and Term 20 Products – All from a company you know and trust
Other Changes: This reprice will include both premium increases and decreases. See below for the transition rules. Also, Informals will now be accepted for Face Amounts of $2M and above (formaly $1.5M).
State Approvals and Illustration System
The new Term product is approved in all states except Delaware and New York and has been updated on JH Illustrator. The new rates will also be reflected on jhillustrator.com.
Transition Rules
- The current John Hancock Term (’15) product will no longer be offered in states that have approved the new Term (’16) product. However, in order to provide a transition period in approved states, John Hancock Term (’15) applications will be accepted through April 8, 2016.
- All John Hancock Term (’15) pending applications must complete the formal underwriting process and all administrative requirements to issue the policy must be received by John Hancock by May 6, 2016.
Reissues of John Hancock Term (’15) policies to Term (’16) will be considered only on John Hancock Term (’15) policies that are within the Free Look period. Subject to normal underwriting practices, policies may require additional evidence to ensure health status has not changed.
Inforce Cases
Term-to-Term replacements are not allowed within the first policy year. Any replacement of an inforce policy (after the first policy year) would require replacement forms, be subject to full underwriting, and possibly result in reduced compensation. Please not that the six month product exchange feature is not available on Term products.