We are pleased to introduce John Hancock’s new Protection UL ‘ 16  – featuring targeted premium reductions and an expanded Vitality Program for older ages! This product is approved in all states except for CA and NY.  See state approval map for Vitality Rider approvals by state. The new Protection UL ’16 features:

  • Premium improvements at older ages (71+) and for females ages 50-60
  • Competitive 5.05% crediting rate – stable and unchanged for 3 years running!
  • Vitality Program expanded to issue ages 71-90 with reduced, age-appropriate status qualifications requirements
  • Vitality rewards that extend for lifetime!  (This applies to all new and inforce permanent policies)
  • LifeTrack  – an industry first policy management tool that saves you time and gives you confidence that your client’s long-term insurance objectives are met.

For more information and for product transition rules, please Click here.


Transition Dates:

April 8:        Protection UL ’15 application deadline

June 3:        Protection UL ’15 issue deadline