At John Hancock, we are proud of our record of delivering exceptional policy performance for our customers. Our strong investment capabilities continue to drive our success. Effective March 1, 2022, the following adjustments will take place on new and inforce policies:

  • UL crediting rates will increase on Protection UL and Protection SUL by 30 bps
  • Indexed UL caps will decrease for certain Accumulation IUL, Protection IUL, Protection SIUL, Accumulation VUL and Accumulation SVUL accounts, while participation rates will remain unchanged. The last segments to utilize the old rates will initiate on February 15, 2022, with a lock-in date of February 10, 2022. The first segments to utilize the new rates will initiate on March 15, 2022.
  • Fixed Account rates will decrease for certain indexed UL and variable UL products by 10 bps

The attached chart (click here to view) details the new rates for each product – only the rates and accounts affected by this change are listed.

These changes will become effective on your clients’ policies starting March 1, 2022, and will be reflected on their annual statements. Clients who request inforce illustrations before they receive their annual statement will see the interest crediting rate change on the illustration.

Pending cases in New Business
Effective March 1, 2022, a new illustration on JH Illustrator 18.0 reflecting the new interest rates will be required on every case pending with New Business. A member of our team will contact you regarding cases that will require a new illustration to complete the issue process.

Click here to view the Announcement