Based upon distributor feedback and in order to improve our competitive position, our death-benefit-focused Index Universal Life (IUL) insurance product Value+ Protector, is now available with significant updates.

In addition to aligning to the 2017 CSO, we have made the following enhancements:

  1. Extended Death Benefit Guarantee
  2. Increased Target Premiums
  3. Higher Cap and Max Illustrated Rates
  4. Improved Competitiveness
  5. Expanded Cash Value Potential
  6. NEW Global Index Interest Crediting Option
  7. NEW Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) Rider

Also, as a part of these product optimizations, we have discontinued the Lifestyle Income Solution rider (LIS) for Value+ Protector.

Note that we’ll continue offering numerous valuable living benefit features, including our Chronic Illness rider: Accelerated Access Solution, among others.

Valuable Combination…
Remember, Value+ Protector offers flexible affordable permanent coverage, and is a perfect bridge to IUL for GUL clients ― thanks to benefits like:

  • Tax-deferred growth
  • Client-controlled premiums and allocations
  • Strong guarantees
  • Low-cost competitive pricing

It combines valuable guarantees, PLUS cash accumulation and access to cash – all for a lower cost than GUL!

Product Update Details

1. Extended Death Benefit Guarantee: Extended level-pay guarantee durations from age 85 to age 90 for issue ages 50+, with a slight decrease in ages 45 and under

2. Increased Target Premiums: Increased target premiums for PPNT/PNT classes by generally 5-10% for ages 50-65,
with minor reductions for other ages/classes

3. Higher Cap and Max Illustrated Rates:

Index Account Participation
Cap Rate Illustrated Rate AVE* Total Illustrated Rate
S&P 500 Cap Index 100% 9.5%
(↑ from 9%)
(↑ from 5.6%)
0.75% 6.6%
(↑ from 6.35%)
S&P 500 Participation Index 55% 5.85%
(↑ from 5.6%)
0.75% 6.6%
(↑ from 6.35%)
ML Strategic Balanced Index® 90%
(↓ from 100%)
(↑ from 6.09%)
0.80% 7.12%
(↑ from 6.89%)
PIMCO Global Optima Index® 65% 6.22% 0.80% 7.02%
Fixed Interest Account 3.25% 0.75% 4%

4. Improved Competitiveness: Shifted target market to ages 40-75, non-tobacco classes

5. Expanded Cash Value Potential: Increase cash value by 10-20% in key areas for ages 50-70, plus more cash value increases for ages 45 and under: 20-30%

 6. New Global Index Interest Crediting Option: Additional volatility control index, the PIMCO Global Optima Index®, offers growth potential and global market exposure

7.  New Dollar Cost Averaging Rider (DCAR) : Potentially smooths out the impacts of market fluctuations by transferring premium from the dollar cost averaging account to the chosen index interest account options over a number of months
Transition Rules

Paper applications:

  • Any apps received December 17, 2018 and after, will automatically receive new Value+ Protector rates and features unless the old product is specifically requested.
  •  After February 1, 2019 the old rates and features will no longer be available.
  • Reissue requests to new plan will not be honored.
  •  New applications submitted to replace existing inforce coverage with the new rates will not be honored within 90 days of the existing coverage going inforce.

AG Quick Ticket

  • Effective December 17, 2018, the new Value+ Protector rates will be available.
  • Any ticket in draft on February 1, 2019 will receive an error and must be restarted.